Encompass Point of Sale UI/UX

BZDesign, Inc. / Encompass Point of Sale UI/UX

Encompass Point of Sale UI/UX

The BZDesign UI/UX team worked with First Capital Business Solutions, of Rochester, NY, to design a new Point of Sale System for restaurants. The goals of the project were to design a workflow through the software that would minimize the number of clicks to fast-track the users’ interactions with the POS.


The User Experience team began the project by conducting on-site interviews and evaluations at restaurants and pizzerias. Gathering first hand experience in the workflow of the users generated a better understanding of their current pain points. The team then worked to develop a software plan with the goal to create a more intuitive experience that incorporates customizable features and an easy-to-use layout. Combining all of these features yielded an app that speeds up staff training, expedites orders and table management processes and makes menu building and editing simple.


Learn more about the software at: encompasspos.com


The BZDesign team followed up the UI/UX project with building a WordPress website, and designing print materials for marketing and sales purposes.


Graphic Design, Marketing, UI/UX, Web